C.Faith Holland

Soul Coaching

Thoughts and Quotes for Today 10.5.13 October 5, 2013

Filed under: Love — C. Faith Holland @ 2:42 pm
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1. “In the sky, there is no distinctions of east and west; people create distinctions out of their own minds and then believe them.”  ~ Buddha


2. Conflicting Needs:  Only because we believe that we are separate do our needs seem to conflict.  ~ Paul Ferrini


3. Are Our Wounds Real? The Self is our Spiritual Identity. It is unassailable. It cannot be wounded or broken. Wounding and healing may have value in a process of psychological growth but they do not have existential value.

One is not worthy or unworthy  because one has given a wound or received one. Nor is one worthy or unworthy because one has healed or has not healed from the wound. The wound is a teaching about forgiveness, both to the one who gave the wound and the one who received it. Once they have offered forgiveness to themselves and to each other, the wound no longer has any meaning. ~ Paul Ferrini

The Drama of Separation:  When fear comes up, we often separate. Then, if we don’t engage in shame and blame, we can choose to look at our fear.  If we do not choose to look at it, it will intensify until it finally gets our attention.  ~ Paul Ferrini


4. “Why did this happen to me?” Get the victim mentality out of the picture and the question might be, “why did I do this to myself?” Look at it even more closely and the question might change to “who is the me that this seems to have happened to?” And then you might see that you are not that body/ego identity. You rest in changeless peace. Nothing happened to you – nothing ever could.


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