C.Faith Holland

Soul Coaching

Thought for Today 4.19.15 April 19, 2015

Filed under: Love — C. Faith Holland @ 3:58 pm
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Good Reminder to stay in OUR own Business!!! who’s business am I in… as Byron Katie reminds us, there is only 3 kinds of business… my business, your business or God’s Business … who’s business am I in??? If I am in YOUR business, there is no one here taking care of my business… OF course this does not apply if it is MY PAYING job… example: being a plumber and you ask me my opinion, or a doctor and you ask my opinion or a mechanic etc… we know this is not what we are speaking of… but when we give advise or try to “help” or assist when it is NOT asked for or when the seeming “other” should be doing it for themselves, we are giving the message that we think they are incapable of doing it… and saying they are helpless and that is NEVER an empowering or helpful message to offer the world….



Thoughts and Quotes for Today 2.4.14 February 4, 2014

1. “Knowledge is learning something new every day.  Wisdom is letting go of something every day” ~ Zen Saying

2. The Infinite me already contains everything I need to navigate through life, because I am One with Universal energy. In fact, I am Universal Energy… ~ Anita Moorjani

3. “What would happen if you moved and responded with less concern about what others will think? What if you let your actions speak for themselves? What would it be like to live your truth without excusing, defending, explaining, or justifying your thoughts or actions to others?” ~ Byron Katie

4. Love Without Conditions: When you love without conditions, you support the freedom of others to choose their own way, even when you disagree with them. You trust God’s plan for their awakening. You know that they can never make a mistake that will cut them off from God’s love or from yours. From Everyday Wisdom by Paul Ferrini

5. Relationship can be the fast track to our awakening. Our buttons get pushed and our stuff comes up. Our “stuff” is anything that is not Love, which are the blocks to the awareness of Love. And in relationship we project a lot of our “stuff” onto him or her. Lots of opportunities to look at, forgive and release our stuff – stuff that could have remained hidden for a long time otherwise.

6. If I would have someone believe that they have hurt me, I am laying a guilt trip on them that can only perpetuate karmic links of attack and counter attack. This is not the way to be free. I know that no one hurt me.  I am responsible for my experiences and my reactions – no one else.

7. Relationship works best when I recognize that it is just me doing a dance with myself. The more I give, the more I get, and the only thing lacking is what I fail to give. The more angry and upset I get, the more angry and upset the other gets. The more loving and peaceful I get the more loving and peaceful the other gets. And what I see in the other is what I see and strengthen in myself.

Be Kind even if you disagree...