C.Faith Holland

Soul Coaching

Thoughts and Quotes for Today 1.9.13 January 9, 2013

Filed under: Love — C. Faith Holland @ 1:02 pm

1.  ”To enter a state of grace, question the assumption you are defending just now, now ….” ~ Byron  Katie


2. We Affirm: There is a secret place I go each day, high above this physical plane. It is the Secret Place of the Most High – a retreat in Consciousness. There I am fed, sustained, lifted up, renewed, taught, soothed and restored. I can go at any time I choose to remember this Sacred Place. It is always HERE. I rise up above the seeming battleground of the ego thought system to remember Who I am, what my Divine Purpose is, Who created me and how I am Loved. I am not afraid today. I stand on this Holy Ground of BEing in perfect peace. I am not broken or damaged. There is nothing wrong with me. I do not need to be fixed as if I were something found in the trash. All I need is to rise up from time to time in Consciousness to my true Home where I remember the Truth about myself. There is no need for a “new” me – who I AM is sufficient. Today I am loving and accepting myself just as I am, and just as I am not. If I need to be changed in any way Spirit knows how to gently lead me to make those better choices. I can make new positive choices without rejecting any part of myself. I accept and embrace myself as I am, while continuing to evolve and grow. Thanks Jacob

3. In order to participate in drama, one must take ownership of the script…. I am the dreamer of this dream… have asked for it on some level and been given it… but not for the reasons we think…


4. I overheard someone praying: “Dear God, what is your will for me?” Then I heard my own mind answer that prayer: “My will for you is that you stop being so concerned about you. In fact, why don’t you just stop being you and accept that you are one with me?” Thanks Benny


This Photo Simply Warms My Heart.. Image


Upcoming Retreats w Thoughts and Quotes for Today 1.8.13 January 8, 2013

Filed under: Love — C. Faith Holland @ 11:40 pm

1. Currently there is a request for a 3 day wknd Retreat/Advancement, for January 18-20th 2013 here in Puerto Vallarta MX. Therefore I am in the planning stage, if anyone else is interested, it will be quite the opportunity and would LOVE to have you join US… It will include food, ocean front accommodations, several sessions as well as Lots of FUN… There is also one starting to form on February 2-4th let me know if you are interested in that as well..

2. “No one has ever been able to control his thinking, although people may tell the story of how they have. I don’t let go of my thoughts—I meet them with understanding. Then they let go of me.” ~ Byron Katie

3. If we knew who walks beside us, we would never feel alone, and we would know that there is nothing to fear. The idea that we are being watched over and cared for is a good teaching. It is my experience that this is True.

4. Abraham Hicks meets Wayne Dyer Powerful 11 minutes of correcting our thinking… Please tend to your OWN alignment.


be in love with life


Thoughts and Quotes for Today 1.9.13

Filed under: Love — C. Faith Holland @ 2:09 pm

1.  “To enter a state of grace, question the assumption you are defending just now, now ….” ~ Byron  Katie


2. We Affirm: There is a secret place I go each day, high above this physical plane. It is the Secret Place of the Most High – a retreat in Consciousness. There I am fed, sustained, lifted up, renewed, taught, soothed and restored. I can go at any time I choose to remember this Sacred Place. It is always HERE. I rise up above the seeming battleground of the ego thought system to remember Who I am, what my Divine Purpose is, Who created me and how I am Loved. I am not afraid today. I stand on this Holy Ground of BEing in perfect peace. I am not broken or damaged. There is nothing wrong with me. I do not need to be fixed as if I were something found in the trash. All I need is to rise up from time to time in Consciousness to my true Home where I remember the Truth about myself. There is no need for a “new” me – who I AM is sufficient. Today I am loving and accepting myself just as I am, and just as I am not. If I need to be changed in any way Spirit knows how to gently lead me to make those better choices. I can make new positive choices without rejecting any part of myself. I accept and embrace myself as I am, while continuing to evolve and grow. Thanks Jacob

In order to participate in drama, one must take ownership of the script…. I am the dreamer of this dream… have asked for it on some level and been given it… but not for the reasons we think…


4. I overheard someone praying: “Dear God, what is your will for me?” Then I heard my own mind answer that prayer: “My will for you is that you stop being so concerned about you. In fact, why don’t you just stop being you and accept that you are one with me?” Thanks Benny


This Photo Simply Warms My Heart.. Image


Fantastic letter to Byron Katie and her response January 7, 2013

Filed under: Love — C. Faith Holland @ 5:56 pm

Dear Katie,

My name is David. I am a 25 year old man who has been in search of tranquility, serenity, peace, and surrender for the past ten years. About six months ago I really started to work on myself spiritually, I’ve been trying to become a man that does not judge others and can express unconditional love. I have taken a deep interest in some spiritual teachers such as Ram Dass, Eckhart Tolle, and Thich Nhat Hanh. I understand that presence and surrender can be reached now, but it is still an ongoing challenge for me to create a no mind. There are many helpful tools that you have to offer and many circumstances you discuss that help people out in their everyday situations. I was wondering if you can discuss or post something on a podcast about individuals in the military that are currently deployed in a war zone. This is the circumstance that I am in at this moment. I try to find as much tranquility as possible from my present circumstance, but sometimes it becomes very difficult. I feel that I become very unconscious in a combat situation and my environment is not conducive for presence. I understand what I am asking is probably not going to happen, but its worth a shot. If you do read this email…..thank you. But if you are too busy, I completely understand. Thank you for your time.

Respectfully sent, David

Dearest David,

You can’t create a no-mind, a don’t-know mind; it already exists, and it doesn’t need to be created. In my experience, as we question our stressful thoughts, we begin to experience the no-mind, without effort. It ceases to be something we’re trying to do and begins to be experienced as a natural state of being.

Question any thoughts about the future that come to your mind. If the mind believes a stressful thought that is even thirty seconds in the future, it will naturally leave you out of the now, frightened, depressed and lonely. Here are some things you may sometimes feel in your situation. You can question any of them that seem relevant:

I’ll never get through this.

I don’t know what I’m doing here.

This is never going to end.

I can’t handle it.

I want to go home.

I’m going to die here.

It’s very important when you’re using the four questions to understand that the moment you stop answering the questions, The Work stops working; for example, as you’re answering, when you notice your mind wanting to defend or justify the concept that you’re questioning, with something like, “Yes, because” or “No, but.” Just allow the answers to the first two questions to be your own honest yes or no only, and even though you may be sure that your truth is “yes,” for example, allow the “no” equal rights, test it as well, against the first two questions and allow your answer to drop in, to fall into the depths of yourself. Give your answer time to live in you before you continue on to the next question. Allow your feelings fully in the third question, give them time to express themselves completely. Watch, witness, experience how you react when you believe that thought. Be still with the fourth question as well. Notice who you would be without that thought. Who would you be in life if you didn’t believe the thought that you are questioning? Also, when you’re doing the turnarounds, with each turnaround it’s important to find examples of how each turnaround is true in your life. The turnarounds are not meant to be “positive affirmations”; they have to be genuine and real, not manufactured as feel-good (even though some of them really shift your life to an authentic state of “feel-goodness”).

There is no internal or external war that cannot be worked through, if peace is your goal. The Work works for those whose minds are open to it, whatever the circumstances. I love that you do The Work for the love of truth, for the love of peace and no other motive.

Also, if you fill in Judge-Your-Neighbor Worksheets, there are people within the Institute for The Work whose hearts’ desire it would be to facilitate you, at no charge, as a service to you as a soldier. (You can do this through Skype.) Freedom from fear is possible in a war zone, even on a battlefield. I love that you understand that the world, including war zones, is not the problem; what we’re believing about the world is the problem. Our beliefs create our internal war zone, and the end of suffering is possible, one belief at a time, for everyone whose mind is open to this inquiry, The Work.

I send you my love and gratitude for your life in this world, and anything that I can do to serve you, please return this email with your request.

In deepest gratitude,

Loving what is, and that would be you,

Byron Katie


Thoughts and Quotes for Today 1.7.13

Filed under: Love — C. Faith Holland @ 1:24 pm

1.  The Real Practice is joining, in Love and Joy, without trying to be “special” – without trying to get anything – without judging, correcting or condemning…. now THAT takes PRACTICE PRACTICE PRACTICE… and I am up for it…


2. The ego is neither bad nor the enemy, but merely an illusion to release so that something far better can replace it. ~ David R Hawkins


3. We Affirm: I greet the Great Spirit as I invoke and call forth today’s blessings. My mind is a fertile land and the fields are white and ready for harvesting the wonders I have imagined there. I dream my dreams in this sacred land and in due season I reap what I have sown by the bountiful Power of the Great Spirit. This is the natural way of things. I respect the Laws of Creation and today I honor the Infinite Source from which all Life flows. I do not try to get something out with out putting something in first. Seedtime, then the Harvesting. Today I seed this land with the divine imaginings of the life I intend for myself and I look for ways to contribute to the dreams of others. All is One indivisible Life and it is all sacred. Today, I honor the Great Spirit from which all Life flows. ~  Jacob Glass

4. We need not be concerned about money. Be committed instead, to Joy. 

How much Joy am I experiencing in this moment? How much Joy am I allowing in this moment? The Joy I experience will be the Joy I bring. If I am waiting for Joy to be brought to me, I do not understand what I are doing here. And if I think that Joy has anything to do with money, I really do not understand what I are doing here. There is a person waiting right now, right this very minute, for you to uplift them. Do that… and you will be rich.

5. Source can plan for my happiness better than I can, and did. Now what am I going to do – wait for some person, thing, situation or event to come along and make my happiness? The Love and happiness that I seek is not dependent on anything out there – it is within – it is already there – it is what I AM. The thing that I seek is what I AM.


An Open Heart Sees Love Everywhere

An Open Heart Sees Love Everywhere


Thoughts and Quotes for Today 1.6.13 January 6, 2013

Filed under: Love — C. Faith Holland @ 1:55 pm

1. ‎If we are unhappy without a relationship, we’ll probably be unhappy with one as well. A relationship doesn’t begin our life; a relationship doesn’t become our life. A relationship is a continuation of life. ~ Beyond Codependency


2. Being with someone you have nothing in common with might be the best learning experience you can have at this time. That which you think you have nothing in common with is your own stuff being projected out there. When it is time for things to change, or for you to move on, it will be a no-brainer….


3. The world is a perfect outward picturing of what you are holding in your mind. Trying to change the world is like going up to the screen upon which the movie is being projected in an attempt to change the movie. It will not work. The old movie has to be removed from the projector (your mind) in order to allow for the projection of a different movie.


4. Take a mental inventory and see how many different things are lurking there in your mind that give you an uneasy negative feeling – worry about the finances – still pissed at the ex – feeling guilty about the kids – concerned about that pain in the left knee, etc., etc.. Any chance you can get a broom and sweep these upsets, big and little, out of the temple? They will not go away by pretending not to notice them. Best to look at them and bring them to the light.


5. It is not selfish to seek the healing of your mind. Minds are not separate, and when you are healed you are not healed alone.


6. “The ego analyzes; the Holy Spirit accepts.” ~ A Course in Miracles




Thoughts and Quotes for Today 1.5.13 January 5, 2013

Filed under: Love — C. Faith Holland @ 10:44 am
Tags: , , , , , , ,

1. We Affirm: I have a wonderful mind. I can choose the thoughts I want to think today and I can choose the way I want to feel – all by guiding my own Consciousness, the same way I would train a puppy. I am patient, kind and consistent with my mind today in guiding it to the thoughts that feel good when I think them. I love and appreciate my beautiful mind.


2. Love created me like itself. I am Love. And what else can I do with Love but give it away. This is why giving is much more natural for me than getting. If the motivation for all of my thinking, saying and doing is getting, then I will get into nothing but scarcity. I can only give to myself, and I can only gain by giving. And Love is all there is.


3.  “Your gift to the world is not what you buy or do. Your gift is your happiness.” ~ Alan Cohen 


4. I have been asked to offer some explanation for bad things that seem to happen – rape, torture, murder, accidents, sickness, etc. There are two ideas I want to take out of the picture right from the start: (Thanks Benny)
A) God has nothing to do with this mad dream you seem to be having – God neither causes nor allows suffering – God knows not of any of this. If God knew of this world then it would be real, and if this is a real place then we are all screwed. Since God does not know of this world there is the need for an intermediary between the mind of God and the dreaming, sleeping mind of His holy son (you) – call that the Holy Spirit or Christ mind. So you might ask, “how can it be that God knows not of this world?” And I would say to forget about God – there is a place of deep peace that you can experience in your own mind where you know nothing of this world. There is your answer. How else could you possibly reconcile God with this world? You would have to say that there is no God, or that God is cruel, or that he is stupid and powerless. The truth is that God is Love and reality is safe and sure and kind. 

B) The other idea that I am going to ask you to remove from your thinking is the idea that you can possibly understand anything on the basis of what seemed to have happened to ‘them.’ There is no ‘them.’ There is only you experiencing the results of your mind. Yes, I know – you do not think that I am offering much help because you still want to know why those terrible things happened to them. Okay, let’s just skim the surface of that, but then I am going to have to move on. If someone seems to have been murdered, for example – do you really know that a terrible thing happened to them? Maybe they went through a tunnel and Jesus greeted them and they are in a better place. Maybe they would have been worse off having to get old and sick and then die. Suppose a child gets raped – is it possible that that person was a rapist in a previous life and the resulting guilt demanded an experience of rape? All I am saying is that you can drive yourself crazy trying to figure out why this or that happened to them. You do not have the big picture.
Now we are ready to talk about this subject from the only perspective that may allow you to gain some helpful understanding – from the perspective of what you personally are experiencing. You are the dreamer of your dream and you are always and only experiencing the results of your mind. If bad things seem to happen to you it is the result of your own negative judgments, fear, grievances or guilt. All of these ‘so called’ bad things are as per decisions that you make. But you forget and don’t want to know this because ego is strengthened when it can play the part of victim. Never-the-less, the Holy Spirit uses everything that happens, even the bad stuff, on behalf of your learning and awakening. So when you look back on your adversity you will ultimately see it as a blessing. This teaching is offered not to make you feel guilty about bad things that seem to happen to you, but to empower you with the idea that all power in heaven and earth is given unto you – you are not a victim, and you can change your experience – you can choose again. I don’t want you to believe any of this – I want you to actually choose a different way of thinking, feeling and seeing so that you can experience for yourself the power of your mind to change your experience. 
Enough said – just a few finally words: you are not a body, and what seems to be happening to your body is not happening to you. This is all just dreaming and none of it has any effect on reality. There is no world. God is Love. Nothing real can be threatened, and reality is safe and sure and kind.

Faith: Sometimes you have to take the leap, and build your wings on the way… 






Thoughts and Quotes for Today 1.4.13 January 4, 2013

Filed under: Love — C. Faith Holland @ 3:24 pm

The key to transformation is to forgive the past and let it go. When you stop dragging your story along with you – when you stop projecting that same old story out into the future, then you are free of past and future. Without the baggage (the regrets, guilt, grievances and fears) you are free to be born anew of the miracle and lightness of this moment. That’s transformation.


You can have a burning desire to fix the world OR a learning commitment to fix your thinking about the world… only the latter will bring you peace.


What you focus on will manifest. And so if you focus on getting a lot of work done, then you will always have a lot of work to do. The mistake is in thinking that by doing a lot of work you will catch up and thus not have so much to do. No, it does not work that way. Focusing on getting a lot of work done only gives you more work to do.


Each relationship is as holy as you will allow it to be. The only thing lacking in any relationship is what you have failed to give. An unholy relationship is no relationship at all – that is when no light or love extends from you to anyone or anything.



Thoughts and Quotes for Today 1.3.12 January 3, 2013

Filed under: Love — C. Faith Holland @ 4:22 pm

1. Breathe, release, rest, repeat.


2. Is it possible in this moment to not get rid of anything; to not try to keep anything, to not try to get anywhere?


Just be with whatever is happening, and to DISCOVER what is INSIDE whatever is happening.


3. It is my experience that Real Love has no ownership. It is allowing the Freedom for another to be exactly as they are…


4. Maybe the mind is waiting for you to choose Freedom so that it can have a rest… ~ Mooji


5. Our problems and diagnoses are not more powerful than God/Source – and Spirit is not bound by time or space. The process MAY be instant. ~ Jacob Glass


We are connected

We are connected


Thoughts and Quotes for Today 1.2.13 January 2, 2013

Filed under: Love — C. Faith Holland @ 4:38 pm

1. All of my relationships are and have been perfect – none of them by accident – none of them a mistake. That relationship provided me with an opportunity to see, do and think differently – an opportunity to awaken. That relationship gave me a maximum learning opportunity. It took me as far as I could go together at that time. And though some of those relationships may seem to be over, it was perfect. Be grateful to him or her – be grateful for the opportunity.

2. There WILL be miracles for you today – but you must be in the Consciousness to recognize them when they come.

3. Each moment gives us the ability to write the script, step upon the stage, direct each scene and view the play.

4. I once heard Ken Wapnick on a tape encourage us to read through the fifty Miracle Principles replacing the word “miracle” with “forgiveness,” and to take the teaching in from that perspective.

1. There is no order of difficulty in miracles.  One is not “harder” or “bigger” than another.  They are all the same.  All expressions of love are maximal.

2.  Miracles as such do not matter.  The only thing that matters is their Source, which far beyond evaluation.

3.  Miracles occur naturally as expressions of love.  The real miracle is the love that inspires them.  In this sense everything that comes from love is a miracle.

4.  All miracles mean life, and God is the Giver of life.  His Voice will direct you very specifically.  You will be told all you need to know.

5.  Miracles are habits, and should be involuntary.  They should not be under conscious control.  Consciously selected miracles can be misguided.

6.  Miracles are natural.  When they do not occur something has gone wrong.

7.  Miracles are everyone’s right, but purification [undoing] is necessary first.

8.  Miracles are healing because they supply a lack; they are performed by those who temporarily have more for those that temporarily have less.

9.  Miracles are a kind of exchange.  Like all expressions of love, which are always miraculous in the true sense, the exchange reverses the physical laws.  They bring more love both to the giver and  the receiver.

10. The use of miracles as spectacles to induce belief is a misunderstanding of their purpose.

11.  Prayer is the medium of miracles.  It is a means of communication of the created with the Creator.  Through prayer love is received, and through miracles love is expressed.

12.  Miracles are thoughts.  Thoughts can represent the lower or bodily level of experience, or the higher or spiritual level of experience.  One makes the physical, and the other creates the spiritual.

13.  Miracles are both beginnings and endings, and so they alter the temporal order.  They are always affirmations of rebirth, which seem to go back but really go forward.  They undo the past in the present, and thus release the future.

14.  Miracles bear witness to truth.  They are convincing because they arise from conviction.  Without conviction they deteriorate into magic, which is mindless and therefore destructive; or rather, the uncreative use of the mind.

15.  Each day should be devoted to miracles.  The purpose of time is to enable you to learn how to use time constructively.  It is thus a teaching device and a means to an end.  Time will cease when it is no longer useful in facilitating learning.

16.  Miracles are teaching devices for demonstrating it is as blessed to give as to receive.  They simultaneously increase the strength of the giver and supply strength to the receiver.

17.  Miracles transcend the body.  They are sudden shifts into invisibility, away from the bodily level.  That is why they heal.

18.  A miracle is a service.  It is the maximal service you can render to another.  It is a way of loving your neighbor as yourself.  You recognize your own and your neighbor’s worth simultaneously.

19.  Miracles make minds one in God.  They depend on cooperation because the Sonship is the sum of all that God created.  Miracles therefore reflect the laws of eternity, not of time.

20.  Miracles reawaken the awareness that the spirit, not the body, is the altar of truth.  This is the recognition that leads to the healing power of the miracle.

21.  Miracles are natural signs of forgiveness.  Through miracles you accept God’s forgiveness by extending to others.

22.  Miracles are associated with fear only because of the belief that darkness can hid.  You believe that what your physical eyes cannot see does not exist.  This leads to a denial of spiritual sight.

23.  Miracles rearrange perception and place all levels in true perspective. This is healing because sickness comes from confusing the levels.

24.  Miracles enable you to heal the sick and raise the dead because you made sickness and death yourself, and can therefore abolish both.  You are a miracle, capable of creating in the likeness of your Creator.  Everything else is your own nightmare, and does not exist.  Only the creations of light are real.

25.  Miracles are part of an interlocking chain of forgiveness which, when completed, is the Atonement.  Atonement works all the time and in all the dimensions of time.

26.  Miracles represent freedom from fear.  “Atoning” means “undoing.”  The undoing of fear is an essential part of the Atonement value of miracles.

27.  A miracles is a universal blessing from God through me to all my brothers.  It is the privilege of the forgiven to forgive.

28.  Miracles are a way of earning release from fear.  Revelation induces a state in which fear has already been abolished.  Miracles are thus a means and revelation is an end.

29.  Miracles praise God through you.  They praise Him by honoring His creations, affirming their perfection.  They heal because they deny body-identification and affirm spirit-identification.

30.  By recognizing spirit, miracles adjust the levels of perception and show them in proper alignment.  This places spirit at the center, where it can communicate directly.

31.  Miracles should inspire gratitude, not awe.  You should thank God for what you really are.  The children of God are holy and the miracle honors their holiness, which can be hidden but never lost.

32.  I inspire all miracles, which are really intercessions.  They intercede for your holiness and make your perceptions holy.  By placing you beyond the physical laws they raise you into the sphere of celestial order.  In this order you are perfect.

33.  Miracles honor you because you are lovable.  They dispel illusions about yourself and perceive the light in you.  They thus atone for your errors by freeing you from your nightmares.  By releasing your mind from the imprisonment of your illusions, they restore your sanity.

34.  Miracles restore the mind to its fullness.  By atoning for lack they establish perfect protection.  The spirit’s strength leaves no room for intrusions.

35.  Miracles are expressions of love, but they may not always have observable effects.

36.  Miracles are examples of right thinking, aligning your perceptions with truth as God created it.

37.  A miracle is a correction introduced into false thinking by me.  It acts as a catalyst, breaking up erroneous perception and reorganizing it properly.  This places you under the Atonement principle, where perception is healed.  Until this has occurred, knowledge of the Divine Order is impossible.

38.  The Holy Spirit is the mechanism of miracles.  He recognizes both God’s creations and your illusions.  He separates the true from the false by His ability to perceive totally rather than selectively.

39.  The miracle dissolves error because the Holy Spirit identifies error as false or unreal.  This is the same as saying that by perceiving light, darkness automatically disappears.

40.  The miracles acknowledges everyone as your brother and mine.  It is a way of perceiving the universal mark of God.

41.   Wholeness is the perceptual content of miracles.  They thus correct, or atone for, the faulty perception of lack.

42.  A major contribution of miracles is their strength in releasing you  from your false sense of isolation, deprivation and lack.

43.  Miracles arise from a miraculous state of mind, or a state of miracle-readiness.

44.  The miracle is an expression of an inner awareness of Christ and the acceptance of His Atonement.

45.  A miracle is never lost.  It may touch many people you have not even met, and produce undreamed of changes in situations of which you are not even aware.

46.  The Holy Spirit is the highest communication medium.  Miracles do not involve this type of communication, because they are temporary communication devices.  When you return to your original form of communication with God by direct revelation, the need for miracles is over.

47.  The miracle is a learning device that lessens the need for time.  It establishes an out-of-pattern time interval not under the usual laws of time.  In this sense it is timeless.

48.  The miracle is the only device at your immediate disposal for controlling time.  Only revelation transcends it, having nothing to do with time at all.

49.  The miracles makes no distinction among degrees of misperception.  It is a device for perception correction, effective quite apart from either the degree or the direction of the error.  This is its true indiscriminateness.

50.  The miracle compares what you have made with creation, accepting what is in accord with it as true, and rejecting what is out of accord as false.


you make me smile